Larimer County Genealogical Society

130 Years of Student News: From ‘The Student Record’ to ‘The Nevada Sagebrush’

The University Libraries are digitizing the complete archive of the student-run newspaper since its inception on Oct. 19, 1893. The Nevada Sagebrush student newspaper is now entirely online with articles posting almost daily.

This year we actively celebrate the University’s history leading up to the Sesquicentennial celebration on Oct. 12, 2024. The University Libraries are hard at work researching the past, preserving it, and making this history as accessible as possible to the modern-day audience. Part of that work includes digitizing historical records, and one fascinating bit of history is the student-run newspaper. 

The University of Nevada, Reno was founded on Oct. 12, 1874, and just 19 years later, on Oct. 19, 1893, the students of the University published the first edition of a student-run newspaper, which they called The Student Record.

The student newspaper, now called The Nevada Sagebrush, states its simplified mission on its website: 

“The Nevada Sagebrush aims to keep students, faculty and the University of Nevada, Reno community updated on all matters concerning the Nevada campus.” 

You can read more in an article by Angela Rudolph published in the University of Nevada, Reno web site at: