Larimer County Genealogical Society

A Google Docs Alternative You Can Use Without Any Login

Here is an article that is not about any of the “normal” topics of this newsletter: genealogy, history, current affairs, DNA, and related topics. However, it describes a new, useful, and free tool that should appeal to many computer users.

Stashpad, a developer-focused “DM to yourself”-styled notebook app, is now pivoting to a docs app that you can use without logging in. 

While it is a brand-new product, I have been using it for a short while and I like it! I find it to be much more simplistic than Google Docs. However, I think that being simplistic is a good thing. I suspect I will use it more and more.

StashPad Docs is the company’s new offering that doesn’t require any login and supports Markdown formatting. The product is browser first and document history is stored locally, so users can search for docs without querying the server. The company said that while there is no offline support at the moment, it is a feature that the startup will introduce in the future.

The company said that collaboration is a major use case for the docs product as it claims to support real-time interactions with less than 50 milliseconds of delay.

Stashpad is available at: A video that serves as a tutorial is available at: