Larimer County Genealogical Society

Brave Browser Adds Filecoin to Wallet

Note: The following article has nothing to do with genealogy, DNA, or any of the other topics normally found in this newsletter. If you are looking for genealogy and similar articles, you might want to skip this one. However, this article references a recent article in ZDNet that I believe will interest many genealogists and non-genealogists alike:

The Filecoin ecosystem announced that with today’s release of Brave browser 1.40, the wallet feature now supports FIL, the token for Filecoin, the storage layer of Web3. Brave’s 56+ million users can now use FIL natively in the browser’s wallet, easing access and usage of Filecoin.

Brave added the native wallet to the browser in late 2021 with support for EVM compatible blockchains and L2s, with an open source license to enable community participation in the development. Filecoin support means users can create and manage FIL wallet accounts, and send and receive Filecoin directly in the browser. The feature also works with the Ledger hardware wallet, with the ability to import FIL accounts from the device.

NOTE: for background information about for background information about Filecoin and other Decentralized Cloud Storage systems, see my earlier article, Decentralized Cloud Storage Explained, at: