Larimer County Genealogical Society

Cite This For Me

Genealogists frequently underestimate the necessity of citing their sources at the beginning, but quickly realize its significance.  Ultimately, at some point in the future, you will ask, “From where did I obtain that?” If you had the foresight to document the source citation when you recorded the other information, your question can be readily answered. Source citations have numerous applications in genealogy.

Cite This For Me is a complimentary software add-on for the Chrome web browser that instantly generates webpage citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard reference styles with a single click. To generate a properly styled citation, navigate to the desired page and click the button. Subsequently, duplicate and insert the reference into your assignment, or include it in your online bibliography for secure retention until a later time. Cite This For Me is equipped with a Google Chrome extension.

That’s impressive considering it’s a FREE product!

The free version of Cite This For Me can be accessed at

The Pittsburg County (Oklahoma) Genealogical and Historical Society offers a valuable resource for advanced reading called Genealogy Source Citations Quick Reference. It can be accessed at If you lack knowledge about source citations in genealogy, begin by referring to that document. 

Elizabeth Shown Mills has authored several comprehensive volumes on the subject of source citations in genealogy research. The sources for family historians include “Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian,” “Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace,” and “QuickSheet: Citing Genetic Sources for History Research: Evidence Style.” To access all of these references, simply visit Amazon’s website at