Larimer County Genealogical Society

Cork Genealogy Database Holds 57,000 Burial Records to Help Search for Ancestors

If you have Irish ancestors, especially some from Cork, you will be interested in the Cork Graveyard Project run by Skibbereen Heritage Centre. An article in the web site describes the Cork Graveyard Project:

Volunteers in Cork have put together an impressive genealogy database to help people look into their own history and fill out the family tree.

It’s all part of the Cork Graveyard Project run by Skibbereen Heritage Centre which has compiled an online database of Cork County Council burial registers and graveyard surveys.

The records have been transcribed by hard-working volunteers and include details such as the deceased’s name, the date of their death, the date of their burial and their address. In total, the heritage centre now has a database of over 380,000 local historical documents which includes more than 57,000 burial records.

Skibbereen Heritage Centre has created an interactive map of graveyards in Cork. This works in tandem with a database on their website that allows you to search by name, place of burial and year of death. It even includes a ‘sounds like’ feature that helps people who only have a vague notion of their ancestor’s name search for their records.

You can read more at:

You can check out the Skibbereen Heritage Centre database here.