Larimer County Genealogical Society

Geneanet DNA Features Will Be Discontinued

From an announcement at:

Geneanet DNA was launched in February 2020, ahead of its time, with a strong ambition: to build a free, universal DNA database, enriched with family trees.

Free, in order to facilitate for all the search for one’s origins, in accordance with Geneanet’s mission.

Universal, by offering the possibility to upload DNA from multiple companies so you could find even more genetic cousins.

Enriched with extended family trees to help Geneanet members identify their common ancestors, a key differentiator compared to other market players.

A number of innovative features were developed with these goals in mind (haplogroup identification, a chromosome browser, triangulation, etc.).

However, over the last several years, we have not seen the success we had hoped for and we have therefore made the difficult decision to stop Geneanet DNA in order to concentrate on more promising Geneanet features and services, better aligned with requests from our members. Despite this, we are proud to have helped you, over nearly four years, to find cousins around the world with the many features we offered.

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