Larimer County Genealogical Society

How to Kickstart Your Own Alternative With Webtrees

Would you like to keep your genealogy findings in the cloud where you and anyone you allow can access the information from anywhere? An article by Daniel Blechynden and published in the TechRadar web site describes oin detail just how to do that with a program called webtrees (apparently always spelled with a lower-case “w”.)

Blechynden writes:

“webtrees is a free, super powerful open-source genealogy program. It supports standard GEDCOM files, which means that it’s compatible with most major desktop programs, and it comes with loads of excellent management features. 

“However, webtrees is a self-hosted program, and it can be pretty difficult to get started with—especially if you haven’t used self-hosted software before. In this guide, we’ve provided a complete step-by-step approach to installing and getting started with webtrees.

“Before you can begin using webtrees, you need to choose a web hosting provider (opens in new tab) for installation. Hosting provides the storage space, processing power, and other resources required to use the program.”

You can read the full article at: