Larimer County Genealogical Society

(+) How to Watch TV Videos from Other Countries

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman. 

NOTE: This article describes a technical solution to the problem of being blocked from accessing videos of interest being broadcast on web servers in foreign countries.

In recent months, a number of genealogy television programs that sound interesting have become available on the Web in England and in the U.S. Specifically, episodes of the U.K. version of Who Do You Think You Are? are available online. Many of us in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere would love to watch these programs, but access is blocked by the networks. The U.K. networks do not have licensing rights for other countries, so the web sites block access by any non-U.K. viewers.

Of course, it is a two-way street. Episodes of the U.S. versions of many programs also block users from other countries from viewing the programs. Netflix is probably the best-known video service that blocks foreign viewers but there are many more examples. Many viewers in Canada and overseas would like to watch these programs online but, again, are blocked for the same reason. The “problem” isn’t limited to genealogy or even to videos. Some contries block access to all sorts of web sites. China is an excellent example of a country that blocks access to foreign web sites but others include the repressive countries of Russia, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and many more. 

Isn’t this supposed to be the WORLD WIDE Web? Not according to the folks who write contracts!

Luckily, there is an easy workaround for all this. I recently watched a supposedly-restricted program from the BBC on my laptop computer, even though I was at home in the United States at the time. A lot of other users around the world are watching videos and listening to music that supposedly aren’t available in their home countries. This week I’ll tell Plus Edition subscribers how to do the same.

The remainder of this article is reserved for Plus Edition subscribers only. If you have a Plus Edition subscription, you may read the full article at:*)-Plus-Edition-News-Articles/13342683 (A Plus Edition password is required to access that article.)

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