Larimer County Genealogical Society

Inside London’s New Family History Research Hub at the Society of Genealogists

A new venue that will help visitors explore their family history has opened its doors in north London. The Research Hub, run by the Society of Genealogists (SoG), opens to its members and to general members of the public on 3 January 2024.

The new space replaces the Society’s previous home in Clerkenwell and has been fitted out with accessibility and archive preservation in mind, making the SoG’s extensive archive and resources available to more researchers and family historians.

Staff at the Society of Genealogists cut the ribbon to open their new research hub – Sarah Williams

Talking at a press event, the outgoing CEO of the SoG, Patrick Barker welcomed visitors to the new home of the Society saying that it will be “a home that can be used by all of the genealogical community”. He described the thought behind the design as “A vision of something fresh and modern, reflecting where we are going as an organisation as well as where we have been.”

Natalie Pithers, the joint interim CEO said, “This is a place to come not just for peace and quiet and individual study, but for sharing your findings and sharing your genealogical journey. This is a place where eureka moments can be celebrated amongst people who understand and share your passion.”

You can read more in an article in an article by Sarah Williams published in the  the web site at: