Larimer County Genealogical Society

Limited-Time Offer: Upload Your DNA Data and Enjoy Free Access to All DNA Features

Already taken a DNA test with another service? We have great news for you! Starting today, and for a limited time only, you can upload your DNA data to MyHeritage and get full access to all DNA features for free, forever! We support uploads from Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA (Family Finder) and 23andMe. 

For each NEW* DNA file that you upload this week, you’ll receive free access to all advanced DNA features including the Ethnicity Estimate and Genetic Groups, DNA Matches, and all tools to analyze your relationship to your matches, saving you the usual $29 unlock fee per file. This rare offer is valid for the next few days only, until October 6, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. 

Upload your DNA file to MyHeritage 

*This offer is valid for new DNA files that are uploaded to MyHeritage for the first time. It does not apply to DNA files uploaded in the past.

Putting your DNA on MyHeritage can open a whole new world of discoveries, and is a great way for anyone interested in finding new matches and information to “fish in multiple ponds.”

It’s led some MyHeritage users to make life-changing discoveries: Monika Fleming, who learned as an adult that she was adopted, discovered her birth father’s identity and connected with 3 siblings!

Why upload to MyHeritage 

High-resolution ethnicity reports covering 2,114 geographic regions

Huge global DNA database

The best service for European DNA matching

Innovative tools for tracing your relationship to your DNA Matches

Full privacy controls: only you can see your data

MyHeritage is the only DNA company that has committed never to sell or license users’ data to third parties

What’s included in this special offer:

Ethnicity Estimate and Genetic Groups: Pinpoint where your family came from across 2,114 geographic regions

Chromosome Browser: Visually explore the DNA segments you share with a DNA Match

AutoClusters: View your DNA Matches as clusters that likely descended from common ancestors

Theory of Family Relativity: Leverage MyHeritage’s powerful technology that uses family trees and historical records to craft theories about relationships between DNA Matches

All other DNA features available on MyHeritage

These features will remain free forever for the DNA kits you upload during this week. Note that this offer is valid for new DNA files that are uploaded to MyHeritage for the first time. It does not apply to DNA files uploaded in the past.

How to upload your DNA data

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to make the most of your DNA results. Upload your DNA file to MyHeritage today!