Larimer County Genealogical Society

MyHeritage Updates the Data for the Theory of Family Relativity<img src="" alt="™" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />

MyHeritage has just announced the addition of millions of new theories to help you uncover how you’re related to your DNA Matches.

Thanks to this new update:

 • The total number of theories has grown to 136,713,021, representing a 61% increase.

 • The number of DNA Matches that include a theory has increased by 78%, to 95,691,486.

 • The total number of paths has grown by 51.2%, for a total of 998,325,515 paths.

 • The number of DNA kits with at least one theory has grown by 23.6%, to 2,353,769 kits.

 • An additional 402,255 users have one or more Theories of Family Relativity.

Full details are available in the MyHeritage Blog at: