Larimer County Genealogical Society

National Library of the Philippines Halfway Through Digitalization Goal

To cope with today’s digital era, the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) reported that it’s halfway through its digitalization thrust that, in turn, has encouraged more people to go back to the country’s official repository of information on cultural heritage and other literary resources.

According to NLP Director Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, they have digitized roughly around “50 percent” of their big collection of rare old books and other learning materials published up to the 1950’s.

He has no inkling, though, as to when they can fully digitize their vast collection of reading and learning tools.

“If given the budget and everything, we can give what’s our definite timeline for that. What is important to us right now is our rare collection is digitized. That’s our target because new books can be bought now,” he told the BusinessMirror at the recent launch in Quezon City of the inaugural Philippine celebration of the International Children’s Book Day (ICBD).

For him, digitization is a part of the regular function and a never-ending drive of the National Library.

You can read more in an article by Roderick L. Abad published in the web site at: