Larimer County Genealogical Society

Renewal Season

December 8, 2023

It’s December. Christmas preparations are in full swing for the upcoming holiday. Amidst the hurry and bustle, don’t forget that it’s also renewal season. Most local and regional genealogical societies run their membership year from January to December. That means it’s time to renew your membership now. It’s also a good time to join a society you haven’t belonged to in the past.

Local genealogical societies are the backbone of the genealogy community. If you don’t already belong to your local genealogical society, now is the season to join. Most are inexpensive and well worth the cost. For example, my local genealogical society, Larimer County Genealogical Society, costs only $25 per year for an individual membership.

For that measly price, LCGS offers a wealth of support to local genealogists. Monthly meetings provide an opportunity to meet with other local genealogists. These meetings also feature informative speakers on a variety of genealogical topics. In addition, LCGS presents more in-depth classes on various subjects throughout the year. Study groups are available to help members advance their specific research interests. DNA, Irish Research, Family History Writing, and Technology for Genealogists are just a few of the many groups supported by LCGS. A well-written newsletter and access to weekly one-on-one research help are also available.

LCGS is just one among many local genealogical societies that would welcome your support. Once you have joined your local society, consider joining societies in more distant areas. With the advent of Zoom and other digital technologies, most societies offer many programs that are available for those who cannot attend in person. For example, LCGS’ monthly programs are available digitally to members from anywhere in the world.

Wherever your research interests take you, there is apt to be a genealogical society which will be of benefit to you. Nearly all genealogical societies today have a website. Just google the area of interest to find what might be available.

Do it now. Consider it an early Christmas present to yourself.

Carol Stetser