Larimer County Genealogical Society

Revel in All Things Northampton This Findmypast Friday on FindMyPast

The following was written by the folks at: FindMyPast:

This week, discover over 13,000 new records and an exciting new newspaper title.

We’re in Northamptonshire this week, with updates to four of our existing Roman Catholic Parish sets and a brand new diocese added to the collection. But that’s not all – we’ve also improved our Irish Roman Catholic marriages, meaning that 19,000 records are easier to search than ever.

We’ve also added an eagerly-awaited new newspaper title to our collection. Spanning 150 years of literary history, you can now explore the pages of The Bookseller on Findmypast. 

From baptisms to burials, read on for a full rundown of all that’s been added. 

England Roman Parish updates

We’ve expanded our collection of English Roman Catholic Parish records to include the diocese of Northampton in the East Midlands. If you’ve got Northamptonshire ancestors, their names may just be contained within this release.

To explore the 14 parishes included within this diocese, be sure to consult our updated parish list


First up, we’ve added 9,383 Northampton baptisms, spanning from 1775 to 1913. There are both images and transcriptions available for these records – so be sure to consult the original record to ensure that you don’t miss any key details.

As with our other Roman Catholic parish baptisms, you’ll learn a name, birth date, church, parish and deanery from these records. Both parents’ names are usually included too, making these records ideal for building the branches of your family tree.

Baptism of Violet Lily Valentine. View this record.

Some original images contain additional information like godparents’ names, the name of the minister who performed the baptism, and even an address. 

As these records are Roman Catholic, you can expect to find Latin words commonly used. Some of these key terms include: 

Baptizandi – baptized

Cognomen – surname

Die – day

Domicilium – residence

For more guidance on understanding the Latin words within this set, consult the additional information on the record search page.


Next up, we’ve also added 1,288 marriage records for the Roman Catholic Northampton Diocese. These new additions cover from 1781 to 1913, meaning there is almost 150 years of history to explore.

Each of these records contains an image of the original sacramental register, as well as a transcript of its key details. The information included varies depending on the level of detail recorded and the legibility of the register. You’ll typically be able to glean a name, marriage date, church, parish and county, as well as the spouse’s name and the name of both party’s fathers.

Many names included in this collection were Latinised when they were recorded – therefore Mary may appear in its Latin form, as Maria, for example. This is something to consider when determining whether a record matches someone in your family tree.

For guidance on the Latin terms used within these marriage records, consult the information at the bottom of the record search page.


Our third Northampton addition comes to our burial collection. We’ve added 1,547 new burials, which cover the diocese between 1834 and 1913. For the first time, you can search your Northamptonshire ancestor’s name in the images and transcriptions within this set.

Between transcriptions and original register images, you’ll be able to glean key details like a name, age, birth date, death date, burial date, church and parish. In some cases, parents’ names and burial plot information are also included.

Take the example of Thomas Ellis. Born in 1801, Thomas died aged 88 on 28 July 1896 and was buried just three days later at Northampton Cathedral. His address is listed as ‘Domo Nazareth’. 

Thomas Ellis, who died on 28 July 1896, aged 88. View this record.

With a little digging, we can discover that this refers to Nazareth House – a Catholic institution on Northampton’s Leicester Road that housed children and the elderly poor. Established in 1875, it was connected to the local poor relief system, doubling as both an orphanage/school and old age housing.

Although the transcriptions for these records are translated into English, the images contain some of these key Latin terms:

Aetati – age

Anno – year

Cognomen – surname

Die – day

Ex – from

Mensis – month

Sepultum est in – buried in

Be sure to consult the record search page for further information, as well as to explore the full list of parishes included in the Northampton Diocese.


To round of this week’s Northampton additions, we’ve also added 2,737 confirmation records from the diocese, spanning the years 1838 to 1913. You can explore these unique records within the wider Congregational Records set.

View this record in full.

Irish Roman Catholic Parish Marriages

In addition to this week’s new additions, we’ve also improved one of our existing Roman Catholic collections. Containing over 3 million records, this set is a key resource for anyone with Irish Catholic relatives.

View this record.

We made significant improvements to 19,000 records within this collection – improving their transcripts, and identifying names that were previously missed out. This means that there are more names than ever to search for, and your ancestors may just appear where they didn’t before.

Welcoming The Bookseller to Findmypast

Calling all bookworms – this week, we’ve added a fascinating new title to our collection, providing you with an opportunity to get lost in the magic of the written word. 

The Bookseller has been the ‘Organ of the Book Trade’ since its founding in 1858 – it is one of Britain’s longest-running magazines and is the only title to report on the literary world weekly. In partnership with Stage Media Company, we’re delighted to announce the addition of 150 years of The Bookseller to Findmypast. 

The Bookseller, 4 February 1910.

This new title allows us to delve into the history of the publishing industry like never before. Why not search for your favourite author or book, and discover the rich stories behind its publication and reception? 

The Bookseller, 8 January 1966.

From the release of Lewis Caroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in 1865 to the publication of The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood, 1985), the key events in literary history are recorded within the Bookseller‘s pages.

Joan Didion’s Book of Common Prayer, The Bookseller.

You’ll find useful lists, graphs and commentary on the most popular reads of the day, as well as photos of authors, and artistic depictions of their work.

With pages up to 2005, you can also explore more modern books within the Bookseller.

Here’s everything that we’ve added to our newspaper collection this Findmypast Friday:

New titles:

The Bookseller, 1858-2000, 2002-2008

Updated titles: 

Ballymena Weekly Telegraph, 1894

Have you made a surprising family history discovery? Whatever you’ve uncovered about your past, we’d love to hear about it. You can now get in touch and tell us directly, using this handy form.

Last week, we added two brand new Canadian military record sets, as well as two new newspaper titles. Discover all that was added here.