Larimer County Genealogical Society

Some US States Succeed in Getting 2020 Census Numbers Double-Checked

Could the latest U.S. Census records be inaccurate? No! Really?

Illinois is adding tens of thousands of people to its population total, and California is getting misplaced sailors on an aircraft carrier put in the right location, after successfully asking for a review of their 2020 census figures.

New York City also appears to have gotten an additional 1,090 people added to its population total recently, after asking the Census Bureau to double-check the city’s numbers from the head count of every U.S. resident, city officials said.

The once-a-decade census produces population figures that help determine political power and the annual distribution of $2.8 trillion in federal funding. The Census Bureau has two programs giving state governments opportunities to have their population totals reviewed and adjusted if need be. Nearly 200 requests for reviews were filed by tribal, local and state governments for the 2020 census.

Changes from the reviews will be applied only to future annual population estimates used for the rest of the decade in determining federal funding. They cannot be used to change how many congressional seats each state was allotted during the apportionment process, nor for the data used for redrawing political districts.

You can read more about this issue in an Associated Press article published in the Fox News web site at: