A Brutally Honest, and Somewhat Witty, Obituary for George Ferguson

Genealogists typically read lots of obituaries but very few of them match the one for George Ferguson of Oak Bay, British Columbia. Quoting from George’s obituary:

“What to say about George? Certainly, no one could accuse him of having been a loving son, brother, or father. He’d gladly have stolen the shirt off your back and he was generous to a fault with other people’s money. Was he a small-time con-man with grandiose schemes? Probably. But another view of him is that he was the most exciting member of his family and of the families he married into. He was a poor man’s rhetorician who beguiled certain woman into buying into his promises and dreams.”

“…he was a United Church minister who passionately improvised sermons for congregations in Quesnel, Barkerville, Bella Bella, Greenwood, Nipawin, Sask. and Kelowna. It is impossible to say whether or not George was actually religious. Anyway, God’s name rarely came up when George was flush.”

As to his death:

“The next day, we brought in some beer, toasted his life with him, drank with him, and helped him to make several thoughtful good-bye phone calls. He reminisced a bit and gave us a few unhelpful instructions. He died without pain the next evening…”

I never met George Ferguson and I feel that is my loss. I suspect I would have liked him and probably even admired him for being such a scoundrel. After reading his obituary, you may have a different opinion of George.

This was a man who will long be remembered, although perhaps not for his charity and strong morals. You can read the full obituary at http://goo.gl/EdI8op.