About Us

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NOTE: Any underlined text below or on any of our webpages is a clickable link to a new webpage or document.

Our Society’s members are united by a driving passion for genealogy, a desire to learn, and to share their knowledge with others, thus our mission statement is simple: Research – Learning – Fellowship! Our society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and our major goals are:

  • To promote interest in genealogy and family history.
  • To encourage and instruct members and anyone interested, in research methods including careful documentation and the maintenance of quality genealogical standards.
  • To locate, preserve and index, public and private genealogical records and make such records available.
  • To assist and support any genealogical library in Colorado which is open to the public.

General meetings are held in person and on Zoom in the Prairie Sage I room at the Fort Collins Senior Center (1200 Raintree Drive) on the third Saturday of each month at 10 am, except December. We offer our hybrid meetings using our Zoom telecasts for our remote members and visitors.

(Please check our Events Calendar for the meeting location for the month. Our monthly general meetings have an informative or entertaining program. The annual business meeting in January includes the election of officers. Our monthly programs include a knowledgeable speaker (many are Certified Genealogists or PhDs) on a variety of genealogy or family history subjects. Our meetings are open to the public and visitors are cordially welcome to learn about our society and genealogy.

We distribute a bi-monthly newsletter six times per year on our calendar of events, president’s message, Family History Center news, society news on our different events, genealogy research news, ancestor stories written by our members, various news on genealogy websites, past program highlights, and occasional columns on technology for genealogists. Visit our archives to see our past newsletters at Newsletter Archives. Become a member today to view our past newsletters as they are password protected as a member benefit.

In keeping with our mission the Society is very active in Education. Over our long history, we have promoted hundreds of classes, workshops and presentations that taught everything from basic genealogy to advanced, tips and tricks, research techniques and genealogy resources. As times progressed those topics expanded to include DNA, digitizing photographs, Internet research and genealogy software.

We offer 12 genealogy research classes each year at the Harmony Library in Fort Collins or Loveland Library. The classes vary from beginner to advanced genealogy research. Please Download the 2024 Class & Program Schedule and register online on our website for each class.


Our society provides volunteers to help library patrons with genealogy research. If you need help with your genealogy or family history research, please visit our experienced society volunteers, every Thursday between 1 to 3 pm (except library holidays) at the Old Town Library in downtown Fort Collins or at the Loveland Library. Our volunteers will help research your family tree or how to use the popular Internet databases.


For society history with photos and accomplishments of our society, please visit Society History page. For a summary of our past presidents, visit our Past Presidents Tribute page.

For a list of our current officers and committee chairs, please select Current Officers and Committee Chairs.

We are a proud member of the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies (CCGS). Our CCGS delegate attends CCGS quarterly meetings to share information with other Colorado genealogical societies.

Interested in other area societies? Select the logo below to view other genealogy and ethnic societies in CO.

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Board Members and Committee Chairs

You can send an email to the Board members or committee chairs below by selecting their underlined name. You email program should appear with the name inserted, then create the subject and your email, then send it. It may take up to 24 to 48 hours before the person responds. 2025 Board Members President – …

Charter & Multi-Year Members

Since our society began 1n 1974, many members have joined our society. Several charter members are still with us, while several members recently achieved 30 year status. We revived our annual multi-year celebration awards at our November 2012 monthly meeting. We gave awards to 38 members achieving 10, 20, and 30 year status with our …

Contributors & Sponsors

These businesses and services shown below have supported us through donations or discounts. We are sincerely grateful for their generosity. Most give generous donations for our annual fund raiser at our annual holiday dinner or monthly meetings. Click on each logo to visit their website.   50 Plus Marketplace News distributes over 200,000 monthly newspapers across the front range …

Lifetime Volunteer of the Year Hall of Fame

Our society created the Lifetime Volunteer of the Year award in 2008. We present this prestigious award to an outstanding volunteer, who has gone beyond the call of duty and achieved the most points for the given year. Below are our previous winners of this award. 2023 Larry Doyle Larry has been a volunteer for …

Past Presidents Tribute

Our society was formed in 1974 by several members with the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in Larimer County. Since then, many past presidents have left their legacy and accomplishments with our society. Below is a brief tribute to these past presidents from our archives. We appreciate all of their accomplishments. Laura Simpson (1922-2006) …

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Basic Info Our website address is: https://lcgsco.org. Our WordPress software does collect limited personal data about visitors. Two of our website pages on membership and registration collects personal data such as your name, email address, mailing address, and genealogy info. We only use this data for our records and is not shared with …

Society Committees

There are many committees and events that our members can volunteer within our society. We have the following committees that members can join at their pleasure: Archival, Conference For A Cause, Finance, Education, Membership, Newsletter, Publications, Publicity, Research Projects, Study Groups, and Website committees. All committee chairs attend up to six Board meetings per year …

Society History

In April of 1974, six women from the local DAR Chapter met at Laura Simpson’s home in Fort Collins to discuss the formation of a genealogy society. In May, Articles of Incorporation were formulated for the Larimer County Genealogical Society (LCGS).   In June 1974, the By-laws and the Constitution were adopted and approved. In …

Tribute to Our Member Veterans

Our society gives many thanks to our many members who served in the military either during peacetime (Cold War) or during the major conflicts at home or overseas. Please give thanks to our current and deceased or past 10 year or longer term members joining our society since year 2000 listed below having served in …

Volunteer Opportunities

The Larimer County Genealogical Society is a wonderful organization with many dedicated volunteers that contribute their time to promote its mission. If you have some free time and would like to contribute, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities for members of the Society. Available Opportunities Genealogy Helpers Volunteers are needed to assist with our society’s free …