There are many committees and events that our members can volunteer within our society. We have the following committees that members can join at their pleasure: Archival, Conference For A Cause, Finance, Education, Membership, Newsletter, Publications, Publicity, Research Projects, Study Groups, and Website committees. All committee chairs attend up to six Board meetings per year to give reports and help the Board with new ideas or resolving problems regarding their committees.
Archival Committee
The Archival Committee consists of the chair and our society scrapbook collector. The chair is responsible for archiving our important documents and scrapbook. The scrapbook collector takes photos and collects all important information on past society events and updates the society scrapbook.
Conference For A Cause Committee
The Conference For a Cause (C4AC) committee meets monthly in the late Spring, and Summer to schedule a popular national genealogy speaker for our annual all day conference at the Medical Center of the Rockies (Loveland) in September or October.
Finance Committee
The Finance committee has three members with a finance related background. They review all financial and legal issues at the Board’s request on an as needed basis. This committee includes the treasurer and two members. They meet several times per year to review budgets and other financial matters of the society.
Education Committee
The Education Committee meets two to three times per year to organize new classes and workshops for the new year. This committee includes a chair and several members interested in educating our members and the general public.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee meets several times per year with other committees as needed to attract visitors and new members. Several committee members attend all general meetings to sign-in members and visitors. The chair updates monthly membership and visitor reports for the Board.
Newsletter Committee
The newsletter committee is responsible for the bi-monthly newsletter editions and membership directory. The committee includes the newsletter editor, publisher, and distribution volunteers. They meet two or three times a year to review the newsletter and membership directory. The newsletter editor creates the newsletters and sends the digital editions to members, while the publisher does the newsletter design and layout, and the distribution team mails the printed newsletters to members.
Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee is responsible for notifying the members and the public of all society events. They send email notifications to members of all events, poster and flyers to libraries and other institutions.
Publications Committee
The Publications Committee is responsible for printing and sending brochures to the other committees, filling orders for society publications to libraries or other institutions, and displaying our various society items at our general meetings to lend out to our members.
Research Projects Committee
The Research Projects Committee creates new research projects every year. They are currently working on researching and indexing several smaller cemeteries in Larimer County. Eventually, another publication will be created for sale to other societies and libraries.
Study Groups Coordinator
The Study Groups Coordinator provides organizational help for the different study groups.
Website Committee
The Website Committee consists of our webmasters and members interested in promoting our website for educational purposes and marketing of our society website and Facebook page. They meet several times per year to review add new webpages or new programs as required by the Board.
If you would like to participate in any of our committees, please contact the chairperson of that committee.
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