American Society of Genealogists 2023 Grants for Continuing Genealogical Research Projects

The following announcement was written by the Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists (ASG):

The Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists are pleased to offer four more grant opportunities in support of important continuing genealogical research projects. These grants are intended to assist with those projects sitting unfinished (or unstarted) on every genealogist’s “back burner” for lack of financial aid to help cover researching and writing time, costs of copies, fees, travel, and other usual expenses associated with genealogical research and publication.

Each grant is for $2,500. Projects are not limited regarding subject, length, or format, but the value of the work to other researchers and institutions will be an important consideration. Examples of possible projects include, but are not limited to, compilation of single or extended family genealogies, transcriptions or translations of original documents, bibliographies, indexes, studies of ethnic groups, geographic locations, migration patterns, legal history, etc., using genealogical resources and methods. Publication is not required, but acknowledgement of the support from the American Society of Genealogists in any distribution of the project results is requisite. Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists are not eligible for these grants.

For further information about the grants and application forms, e-mail: [email protected], or write to:

ASG Continuing Grants
c/o Alicia Crane Williams, FASG 4 White Trellis
Plymouth MA 02360

Submission deadline: All applications for the 2023 grants must be received by March 1, 2023.