Using Colorized Photos

July 12, 2024 Periodically, I check online family trees for members of my family. Many online trees are available for free at websites such as Family Search, Ancestry and My Heritage. These trees are not static and change frequently. I often find new information and pictures on the various trees. It’s also a good way …

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Scandinavian Research

July 5, 2024 If you have Scandinavian ancestors, you’re lucky. Norwegians, Swedes and Danes have some of the best historical records available. They’re a bonanza for genealogists.   This is because the countries of Scandinavia all had state churches. Everyone was a Lutheran – at least on paper. There were always nonconformists, but those folks …

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Getting the Most from Cemetery Records

June 28, 2024 Genealogists love cemeteries. Reading headstones and imagining the lives of those who are buried there lures us to cemeteries – even ones without our ancestors buried there!   Despite this fixation on cemeteries, many genealogists overlook some of the genealogical information to be found there. The names and dates on the headstones …

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