California State Archives Releases Video Resources on African American Genealogical Records

The California State Archives has announced the release of new videos detailing African American genealogical resources available at the State Archives, coinciding with the upcoming Family History Week activities.

From April 1 to 6, the California State Archives will collaborate with the Sacramento Genealogical Society, Center for Sacramento History, California State Library, Sacramento Public Library, Yolo County Archives, FamilySearch, Placer County Museums, California State Parks and Sutter County Museum to host a free six-day series of events featuring 16 classes on genealogy-based topics. These events aim to assist participants in uncovering their ancestors’ significant life events and the stories that define them.

Multiple events highlight African American genealogical research, including “U.S. Colored Troops Pension Records of 1890” presented by Denise I. Griggs on Saturday, April 6, from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at the California State Archives.

You can read more in an article by California Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N. Weber published in the web site at: