Category: Uncategorized

Why You Should Switch from Gmail to Proton Mail

Here is an article that is not about any of the “normal” topics of this newsletter: genealogy, history, current affairs, DNA, and related topics. However,  it describes a service that I use daily and am very satisfied with it, so I decided to share it here. I am not paid by anyone for publishing this …

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Singapore Parliament Debates Are Now More Accessible

An artificial intelligence (AI)-powered search engine has been launched that makes combing through decades of parliamentary records more fruitful for the public, and which could raise understanding of how issues evolve in Singapore’s top law-making body. Called Pair Search, the website is powered by a large language model (LLM) – the same technology behind …

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Genes Known to Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s May Actually Be an Inherited Form of the Disorder, Researchers Say

Alzheimer’s disease may be inherited more often than previously known, according to a new study that paints a clearer picture of a gene long known to be linked to the common form of dementia. The authors of the study, published Monday in the journal Nature Medicine, say that this might even be considered a distinct, …

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