Category: Uncategorized

HTML Editor for Google Drive

Here is an article that is not about any of the “normal” topics of this newsletter: genealogy, history, current affairs, DNA, and related topics. However,  I suspect that many genealogists will be interested in this: Are you creating a webpage, or an email design? If you are, you’re likely needing the use of a reliable …

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(+) Create Images of Old Documents and Photos: No Scanner Needed

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman.  Genealogists often have a need to make reproductions of old family documents, such as wedding certificates, military discharge papers, immigration documents, and especially of old photographs. Another common requirement is to make copies of pages in a book, be it a …

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(+) Create Images of Old Documents and Photos: No Scanner Needed

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman.  Genealogists often have a need to make reproductions of old family documents, such as wedding certificates, military discharge papers, immigration documents, and especially of old photographs. Another common requirement is to make copies of pages in a book, be it a …

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