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(+) How to Reduce the Errors in Your Genealogy Database

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman.  This article describes a method of killing two birds with one stone. The first question concerns corruption within your genealogy database. Is your data still good? Or have read errors or write errors managed to corrupt the database? When you make …

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(+) How to Reduce the Errors in Your Genealogy Database

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman.  This article describes a method of killing two birds with one stone. The first question concerns corruption within your genealogy database. Is your data still good? Or have read errors or write errors managed to corrupt the database? When you make …

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Saint Patrick and the Snakes

One of the often-repeated tales about Saint Patrick is the story about driving the snakes from Ireland. One version tells of his standing upon a hill, using a wooden staff to drive the serpents into the sea and banishing them forever from the shores of Ireland. Another legend says that one old serpent resisted, but …

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