Category: Uncategorized

Connecticut Passes Bill Permitting Adoptees Access to Original Birth Certificate

The following announcement is extracted from the IAJGS mailing list and is republished here with permission: Following an emotional and personal debate over whether privacy rights of birth parents should override the rights of adoptees seeking information about their past Connecticut is now the 10th state to guarantee original birth certificate access.  Governor Ned Lamont’s …

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Connecticut Passes Bill Permitting Adoptees Access to Original Birth Certificate

The following announcement is extracted from the IAJGS mailing list and is republished here with permission: Following an emotional and personal debate over whether privacy rights of birth parents should override the rights of adoptees seeking information about their past Connecticut is now the 10th state to guarantee original birth certificate access.  Governor Ned Lamont’s …

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Connecticut Passes Bill Permitting Adoptees Access to Original Birth Certificate

The following announcement is extracted from the IAJGS mailing list and is republished here with permission: Following an emotional and personal debate over whether privacy rights of birth parents should override the rights of adoptees seeking information about their past Connecticut is now the 10th state to guarantee original birth certificate access.  Governor Ned Lamont’s …

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