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(+) The Easy Way of Finding Genealogy Books, Maps, e-Books, Periodicals, and Much More

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman.  Today’s online resources offer access to information that was undreamed of only a couple of decades ago. For a century or more, each library has maintained a catalog that provides an index to its holdings. In order to determine if a …

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(+) The Easy Way of Finding Genealogy Books, Maps, e-Books, Periodicals, and Much More

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman.  Today’s online resources offer access to information that was undreamed of only a couple of decades ago. For a century or more, each library has maintained a catalog that provides an index to its holdings. In order to determine if a …

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Is Someone Trying to Steal Your DNA Information? Florida Pushes to Expand Criminal Penalties.

It could be a nosy neighbor questioning your ancestry. Perhaps it’s a lover who’s curious if you carry a gene for male pattern baldness. Or a rich grandparent checking if you’re genetically related. All it takes to find out is a sample of DNA, or a person’s hereditary material, and some inexpensive testing. But experts …

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