Category: Uncategorized

Cyndi’s List Turns 25

Congratulations to genealogy resource site Cyndi’s List, which is now 25 years old! “After all these years people still don’t often believe me when I say that I am the only person who works on the site. It’s true, it’s just me. This is my job, but it’s also my life’s work and my passion. …

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Cyndi’s List Turns 25

Congratulations to genealogy resource site Cyndi’s List, which is now 25 years old! “After all these years people still don’t often believe me when I say that I am the only person who works on the site. It’s true, it’s just me. This is my job, but it’s also my life’s work and my passion. …

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Best Cloud Storage Service in 2021

Note: The following article has nothing to do with genealogy, DNA, or any of the other topics normally found in this newsletter. If you are looking for genealogy and similar articles, you might want to skip this one. However, this article references a recent article in ZDNet that I think all computer owners should read. …

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