Category: Uncategorized

A Little Biology for Genealogists

June 5, 2020 Sometimes when I look at other peoples’ genealogy, I have to wonder where they were when their class discussed basic biology. Clearly, they weren’t paying much attention, so here are a few rules of basic biology that might help some genealogists when it comes time to make entries in their family tree. …

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Using Online Family Trees with Care

May 29, 2020 With so many websites hosting online family trees, they have become one of the first places I look when I’m beginning a new genealogical project. Ancestry, My Heritage, FamilySearch and Find My Past are just the beginning when it comes to searchable online family trees. With so many trees available, it is …

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Another Casualty of the Pandemic

May 22, 2020 While I know I’m lucky to be weathering the pandemic safely so far with only the minor inconveniences of having to stay home nearly all the time or wearing a face mask when I have to go out for necessary errands, I do have to admit that some aspects of the pandemic …

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