Category: Uncategorized

This week, help us index the US Navy Muster Rolls!

From https://en.geneanet.org/genealogyblog/post/2024/11/this-week-help-us-index-the-us-navy-muster-rolls: From November 26 – December 2, Geneanet is organizing a special week dedicated to the indexing of the US Navy’s Muster Rolls from the Civil War through the end of the century. Whether you are a frequent contributor to Geneanet’s indexing projects, or you haven’t used our indexing tools yet, discover this fascinating project …

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A New Generation of Office Suites to Replace Your Microsoft Bloat

Microsoft Office consists of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Depending upon the version of Microsoft Office you purchase, it also might include OneNote, Outlook, Microsoft Publisher, or Skype. First launched in 1988, Microsoft Office has become the de facto word processing and office management software standard of the computer industry. Softpedia reported (at http://goo.gl/bGu7Dl) that Office …

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Black Friday Starts Now: MyHeritage DNA Kits for Only $29!

Read all about it at: https://blog.myheritage.com/2024/11/black-friday-starts-now-get-myheritage-dna-kits-for-the-lowest-price-ever/.