Identical twins were thought to be genetically the same. However, a new study finds that’s not always the case. On average, identical twins differ by 5.2 genetic changes. Researchers have now shared their new findings in Nature Genetics at NOTE: An abstract of the report is available at that site free of charge. However, …
Category: Uncategorized
MyHeritage Introduces Photo Storyteller™ to Record the Stories Behind Your Favorite Family Photos and Attach the Audio Narrative to the Photos
I have briefly used this new feature from MyHeritage and am impressed. I plan to spend several hours this week adding this to the individuals in my personal genealogy database. As stated in the announcement of the new product: “The Photo Storyteller™ is available on the free MyHeritage mobile app and enables you to easily …
(+) Make Money With Genealogy
The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman. You can make a career out of genealogy! How? Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people have turned their avocation into a vocation, either part-time or full-time. Indeed, there is a need for many people with skills and knowledge of family history research. …