Would you like to electronically search through 164,634 genealogy books? You can do that on the Internet Archives’ online service at: https://archive.org/details/genealogy. Not only can you search these books, but you can do so electronically. A search for a name might require a few seconds, not hours or days in the manner of a manual search …
Category: Uncategorized
How to Find Genealogy, Family History, and Local History Books in the Internet Archive
Would you like to electronically search through 164,634 genealogy books? You can do that on the Internet Archives’ online service at: https://archive.org/details/genealogy. Not only can you search these books, but you can do so electronically. A search for a name might require a few seconds, not hours or days in the manner of a manual search …
New Free Historical Records on FamilySearch: Week of 20 January 2021
The following announcement was written by FamilySearch: FamilySearch added 8M new US, Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church Census records, 1914–1960, 2M Pennsylvania Historical Society Deaths, Burials 1856–1971, and Marriages 1512–1989, plus 3M Australia, Victoria, Petty Sessions Registers 1858–1985, Germany, Mainz, Catholic Church Records 1540–1952 and France, Nord Parish and Civil Registrations 1524–1893. Other country collections expanded for Bolivia, Finland, Peru, S. Africa and the US (CA, GA, MS, NJ, and PA). Search these new records and images by clicking on …