Category: Uncategorized

New Genealogy Collection Online: Manhattan’s Church of the Transfiguration

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society’s (NYG&B) Church of the Transfiguration records are the newest, large-scale, searchable edition to their online collections. This ongoing project has been part of their Digitize New York initiative to preserve and make accessible at-risk historical records. The Church of the Transfiguration collection consists of tens of thousands of …

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May the Fourth Be With You!

Happy Star Wars Day! Perhaps I should say, “May the Fourth Be With You.” Star Wars Day is a (very) informal commemorative day observed annually on May 4th to celebrate George Lucas’s Star Wars media franchise. Observance of the day has  spread quickly through media and grassroots celebrations since the franchise began in 1977. The …

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May the Fourth Be With You!

Happy Star Wars Day! Perhaps I should say, “May the Fourth Be With You.” Star Wars Day is a (very) informal commemorative day observed annually on May 4th to celebrate George Lucas’s Star Wars media franchise. Observance of the day has  spread quickly through media and grassroots celebrations since the franchise began in 1977. The …

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