Category: Uncategorized

New ‘Petabit-Scale’ Optical Disc Can Store as Much Information as 15,000 DVDs

Here is an article that is not about any of the “normal” topics of this newsletter: genealogy, history, current affairs, DNA, and related topics. However, I suspect that many (or most?) all computer owners will be interested: From an article by Peter Ray Allison  published in the livescience.com web site: Scientists have developed a new type of …

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New ‘Petabit-Scale’ Optical Disc Can Store as Much Information as 15,000 DVDs

Here is an article that is not about any of the “normal” topics of this newsletter: genealogy, history, current affairs, DNA, and related topics. However, I suspect that many (or most?) all computer owners will be interested: From an article by Peter Ray Allison  published in the livescience.com web site: Scientists have developed a new type of …

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$500,000 Approved for DNA Testing of Unidentified Bodies in Washington State

The Washington State Legislature approved a budget request for $500,000 to fund genetic genealogy and DNA testing for unidentified remains in Washington. Washington currently has 163 unidentified with the new funding the state will help these bodies to be identified more quickly.  “Timely DNA testing can bring a measure of closure and help solve more …

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