Category: Uncategorized

National Archives Resumes Family Sleepover Event

More than a hundred guests from as far as Colorado and Georgia poured into the National Archives Museum for a fun and historic sports-themed sleepover during the first weekend in February.  Guests get ready to go to sleep in front of the Constitution, February 3, 2024. National Archives photo by Jenna Edwards. It was the …

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Vernon Historical Society Digitizing Over 150 Years of Connecticut Newspapers

Newspapers provide readers and researchers with incredible information on events, people, places, attitudes and opinions from the far to the recent past. The Society houses hard copies of local papers from the 19th and 20th centuries, but they are in fragile condition. Starting forty years ago the papers were filmed and microfilm copies were created. …

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Vernon Historical Society Digitizing Over 150 Years of Connecticut Newspapers

Newspapers provide readers and researchers with incredible information on events, people, places, attitudes and opinions from the far to the recent past. The Society houses hard copies of local papers from the 19th and 20th centuries, but they are in fragile condition. Starting forty years ago the papers were filmed and microfilm copies were created. …

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