Category: Uncategorized

A Moroccan Jewish Genealogical Journey: Tracing Roots through DNA and the Paper Trail

Zoominar Series! IIJG Bi-Monthly Jewish Genealogical Online Presentations “A Moroccan Jewish Genealogical Journey: Tracing Roots through DNA and the Paper Trail” with Dr. Raquel Levy-Toledano (France) When: Sunday. Jan. 12, 2025, at 8:00 PM Israel / 1:00 PM EST (NY)   Sessions will last 1-hour, featuring a 45-minute presentation followed by a 15 minute Q&A period …

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TheGenealogist Unveils 1910 Lloyd George Domesday Survey Records for Kent

The following is a press release written by folks at TheGenealogist: Today TheGenealogist, a leading online family history and genealogy resource, announced the release of the complete 1910 Lloyd George Domesday survey records for Kent, a groundbreaking digital collection that offers unprecedented insights into early 20th-century British land ownership, properties and occupancy. Smallhythe Place, Home …

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Finnish Newspapers from the 1940s Digitised for Customer Use

The National Library of Finland has reached another milestone: it has now digitised all Finnish newspapers published in the 1940s. The newspapers offer a glimpse into an interesting turning point in Finnish history: the period after the Continuation War and the post-war ‘years of danger’ from 1944 to 1948 when issues covered in the press …

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