Category: Uncategorized

100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

Ah, the “good old days.” Here are some things that today’s younger generation may never know about: Moore’s Law and our ever-increasing quest for simpler, smaller, faster and better widgets and thingamabobs will always ensure that some of the technology we grew up with will not be passed down the line to the next generation …

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Notepad for Windows Spellcheck and Autocorrect Are Rolling Out to Everybody After 41 Years

Microsoft began testing an update to the venerable Notepad program in March that included spellcheck and autocorrection to the modest but steadily expanding collection of features of the Windows software. As reported by The Verge, the update adding these capabilities to Notepad is now available to all Windows 11 users via the Microsoft Store. Underlining …

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Be Safe in the Woods

Here is an article that is not about any of the “normal” topics of this newsletter: genealogy, history, current affairs, DNA, and related topics. However, if you expect to go tromping through the woods looking for abandoned cemeteries, old homesteads, and similar locations of interest to genealogists, this could provide life-saving information. Really! Nancy Battick …

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