Category: Uncategorized

Limited-Time Offer: Upload Your DNA Data and Enjoy Free Access to All DNA Features

MyHeritage is extending their special offer for a few more days! For a limited time only, you can upload your DNA data to MyHeritage and get full access to all DNA features for free, forever! We support uploads from Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA (Family Finder) and 23andMe.  For each NEW DNA file that you upload this week, …

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New Database Is a Way to Document Historic Louisiana Cemeteries, Increase Awareness

The Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation has built a database of roughly 8,500 historic cemeteries across the state and invites people to submit information about gravesites yet to be documented. “It’s really important to know about the cemeteries because of the possible construction of a building or road or pipeline,” said Brian Davis, executive director of the …

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Investigators Being Trained in Forensic Genetic Genealogy, Tool That Has Solved Cincinnati Cases

Forensic genetic genealogy has become an important tool for law enforcement agencies across the country, including Cincinnati Police. Now, more local, state and federal investigators are being trained to use the tool.  The forensic tool garnered national attention in 2018, when an investigator used it to identify the Golden State Killer, decades after he had …

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