Category: Uncategorized

Want to Know a Police Officer’s Job History? There’s a New Tool for That From Invisible Institute

The nonprofit journalism organization Invisible Institute has launched a new tool that allows people to look up police employment history.  The National Police Index, created in partnership with Innocence Project New Orleans and Human Rights Data Analysis Group, compiles data obtained from state police training and certification boards. The tool currently shows data in 17 states, including Illinois. …

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Introduction to Wills and Estates for Family History and a CCGS Seminar

On Saturday, Oct. 12, at 9:45 am, Larry Cates will present “An Introduction to Wills and Estates for Family History.” Clallam County Genealogical Society will host the event. The program will be available via Zoom and all are invited to join. In this presentation, Cates will discuss two major ways property is passed between generations …

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QIAGEN Selects Bode as GEDmatch PRO Database Partner

The following is a press release written by QIAGEN: QIAGEN N.V. announced that Bode Technology, the largest private U.S. forensics laboratory company with a growing presence in other regions, will become the exclusive global commercial partner for the GEDmatch PRO genealogy database, which is used to assist police and forensic teams with investigative comparisons of genetic …

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