Category: Uncategorized

A New Chapter for Irish Historians’ ‘Saddest Book’

From an article by Ed O’Loughlin published in the New York Times: In the first pitched battle of the civil war that shaped a newly independent Ireland, seven centuries of history burned. On June 30, 1922, forces for and against an accommodation with Britain, Ireland’s former colonial ruler, had been fighting for three days around Dublin’s …

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Dog DNA Tests Are on the Rise—but Are They Reliable?

OK, so this isn’t about human DNA, but it is  somewhat allied field of technology: DNA of dogs. I found it to be interesting and decided to share it here. Could your dog be predisposed to a fatal disease? Is your new shelter pup part beagle or boxer? Many pet owners seek answers to these …

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How to Receive Daily Email Messages Listing All Newly-Added Articles to This Newsletter (Again)

Would you like to receive daily email updates showing all the newly-added articles on this web site in the past 24 hours? These notices are easy to add and, best of all, are available free of charge. Even better, if you later change your mind and no longer wish to receive those email messages, you …

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