Category: Uncategorized

More African Americans Work to Recover Names of Ancestors From Before 1870

More and more African Americans are chiseling their way through the infamous 1870 “brick wall” and digging up their ancestral roots. Today, at least 19 states have chapters of the Afro-American Historical Genealogical Society (AAHGS). “If you have those enslaved ancestors, as most folks who identify as African Americans — whose families have been here for …

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More African Americans Work to Recover Names of Ancestors From Before 1870

More and more African Americans are chiseling their way through the infamous 1870 “brick wall” and digging up their ancestral roots. Today, at least 19 states have chapters of the Afro-American Historical Genealogical Society (AAHGS). “If you have those enslaved ancestors, as most folks who identify as African Americans — whose families have been here for …

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National Archives Resumes Family Sleepover Event

More than a hundred guests from as far as Colorado and Georgia poured into the National Archives Museum for a fun and historic sports-themed sleepover during the first weekend in February.  Guests get ready to go to sleep in front of the Constitution, February 3, 2024. National Archives photo by Jenna Edwards. It was the …

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