Category: Uncategorized

MyHeritage Announces a New Option: Filtering DNA Matches by Genetic Groups

MyHeritage has added a new filtering option on the DNA Matches page, which enables users to filter their DNA Matches to show only those who are members of a certain Genetic Group. By filtering your matches based on a Genetic Group, you’ll be able to further pinpoint which matches come from a specific location or …

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MyHeritage Announces a New Option: Filtering DNA Matches by Genetic Groups

MyHeritage has added a new filtering option on the DNA Matches page, which enables users to filter their DNA Matches to show only those who are members of a certain Genetic Group. By filtering your matches based on a Genetic Group, you’ll be able to further pinpoint which matches come from a specific location or …

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Genealogy Experts Try to Identify Woman Found Dead in Portland, Maine in 2015

Here is an opportunity to exercise your detective skills and to possible solve (or at last to help solve) a crime. A group of genetic genealogy enthusiasts is trying to find the identity of a woman who was found dead in a Portland, Maine park in 2015. The woman is Asian, probably Korean. When her …

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