Category: Uncategorized

Do You Use PERSI?

October 30, 2020 Do you use the Periodical Source Index (usually referred to as PERSI) in your genealogical research? If you’re like many folks, the answer is probably no. That’s too bad because periodicals are one of the best ways to take your research to the next level since genealogical periodicals can contain information found …

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Another Election Story

October 23, 2020 The upcoming election has sparked me to consider my ancestors’ politics. What parties did they belong to? How did they vote in the elections of their day? Voting records are one way to find some answers to these question, but they are often difficult to find and sometimes no longer exist. However, …

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An Election Story

October 16, 2020 A couple of weeks ago I wrote about finding election records for our ancestors. It’s a great idea, but for many of us, it’s not easy to put into practice. Since that time I’ve been thinking about other ways to find out about our ancestor’s political lives, and I realized that another …

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