Category: Uncategorized

(+) What is the Purpose of a Genealogy Program?

The following is a Plus Edition article written by and copyright by Dick Eastman.  If you record your genealogy research efforts on paper, you might want to skip this article. However, if you use a computer program as an aid to your genealogy research, read on. Is the genealogy program you chose a database of …

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Beautiful Island Off the Coast of Maine Recruits New Residents to Add to Its Population of 92 With Homes Offered Below Market Rate

Want to relocate? How about leave the rat race behind? A stunning Maine island with a population of just 90 is appealing to new residents to live there. Isle au Haut is encouraging people to settle permanently on the remote, 13 square mile island which is only accessible by boat. But for anyone looking to escape the rat …

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Beautiful Island Off the Coast of Maine Recruits New Residents to Add to Its Population of 92 With Homes Offered Below Market Rate

Want to relocate? How about leave the rat race behind? A stunning Maine island with a population of just 90 is appealing to new residents to live there. Isle au Haut is encouraging people to settle permanently on the remote, 13 square mile island which is only accessible by boat. But for anyone looking to escape the rat …

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