Enhanced Search Capabilities Added to OldNews.com

The following is an announcement written by MyHeritage:

It’s been only three months since launch, and OldNews.com is already on its way to becoming the top website for historical newspapers from around the world. OldNews.com was warmly received by the genealogy community, and the feedback we’ve gotten has been wonderful. Several genealogists even shared the priceless discoveries they made using historical newspapers from OldNews.com. We are deeply invested in adding a broad array of newspaper content from many countries, and are likewise committed to enhancing the user experience through new features and tools. Today, we are pleased to share two additions to the search capabilities on OldNews.com that will undoubtedly improve the way you find and explore historical newspapers. 

Enhanced publication name filter

You can read more at: https://bit.ly/3Rt7r3o.