Class – Intro to Genealogy

Please Register below

Class Date: Saturday, March 29, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm in person & on Zoom!

New to genealogy? Genealogy instructor Kathy Williamson (pictured below) will present a FREE three hour class for new and intermediate genealogists wanting to learn how to do research, types of records, where records are located, Internet websites, recording your data, different types of genealogy software, local genealogy sources, various local societies to consider, and info on Larimer County Genealogical Society.

Handouts are available, but the 28-page slide presentation will be emailed to registered attendees one day before the class.


Kathy Williamson

Kathy Williamson is an instructor, past president, currently our vice president, and library volunteer for our society. She has been researching her genealogy for over 45 years. She served as president from 1978-1980 and was the newsletter editor. Kathy worked on transcribing Larimer County marriage records and land records and created our first society publication for sale on county land records in 1979. That same year, she helped organize and join the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies.

Kathy’s interest in family history dates back to her childhood when she heard stories of a great grandfather being in the Texas Rangers, another one being a childhood friend of Davy Crockett, another being shot in the back by bushwhackers during the Civil War, etc. Through the years, she was able to verify (with a few revisions) these stories and others. Her progress slowed significantly until she joined Ancestry.com in 2006 and had her DNA submitted for testing. Since then, Kathy has met many cousins online and has extended her family tree to 30,000 ancestors and collateral lines. She still gets that rush of excitement when she finds another clue.

Everyone interested in genealogy or family history is welcome to attend our free online classes!

Register below to receive the handout and Zoom info on the evening (between 7 to 10 pm) before the event!

Everyone that is interested in genealogy or family history is welcome to our FREE online classes!

Map to Loveland Library

Loveland library Map

Questions? Contact: Education Chair Bob Larson at [email protected]

Be sure to use our Thursday afternoon (except holiday weeks) genealogy help session from 1 to 3 pm at the Fort Collins Downtown Library and Loveland Library. Members or visitors: please send an email to [email protected] with your request, and if for an ancestor, please send your family tree info from Ancestry, MyHeritage or a family tree image from your genealogy software.

For more genealogy tips: please visit and ‘Like’ us on our Facebook page .

Thank You for visiting our website!



Ticket Type Spaces
Intro to Genealogy on Saturday, March 29 at 11:30 am in the Erion meeting room at the Loveland Library in person & on Zoom!
This is a 3 hour class. Kathy Williamson is the instructor.
Attendee 1

Registration Information

Please register each person individually

Attending In-Person
Attending on Zoom

LCGS Class or Program Survey


How did you hear about this class or program?

LCGS Website
LCGS Society Email
LCGS Past Meeting
LCGS Facebook Page
LCGS Newsletter
Other - Please fill in below


If you didn't receive an email confirmation, please contact the Education Chair at [email protected].

Booking Summary

x Intro to Genealogy on Saturday, March 29 at 11:30 am in the Erion meeting room at the Loveland Library in person & on Zoom!
Total Price