Class – Introduction to Genetic Genealogy & DNA Testing with Glenn York

Want to learn about how DNA can help you in your genealogy or family history research? You should attend our DNA class on Saturday, March 13 from 9 am to noon via Zoom.

Class Description:

This presentation will discuss an overview of genetic genealogy and how it is helping genealogists discover or link their ancestors using several scientific methods. DNA testing and how the different tests can be used as additional tools in your genealogy toolbox. We will cover the main testing companies and the main tests used in genealogy research. We will discuss the best tests to use to solve different genealogy challenges and how DNA works for genealogists.

Speaker Profile:

Glenn York

Glenn York

Glenn was born in Iowa and grew up all over the Midwest. After 21 years in the Air Force he moved to Ft Collins in 1992. After a career in technology working in electronics, computers, and managing large computer security programs Glenn retired in 2016. He started doing genealogy in 1983, when he was stationed near Washington DC learning genealogy in the Library of Congress, National Archives, DAR library, and Suitland Records center. His current focus is on genetic genealogy. He took his first DNA test in 2006. He now manages DNA tests with all three testing companies for over 20 different family members. He has attended many presentations on genetic genealogy including Roots Tech 2016 to 2018 and numerous local Genealogical society presentations. He completed the DNA Boot Camp: Practical Applications at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy in January 2017. He currently leads the monthly DNA study group for the Larimer County Genealogical Society.

Everyone interested in genealogy or family history is welcome to attend our free classes!

Class Questions? Contact: Glenn York at [email protected].

‘Like’ us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/lcgsco

Need help with your genealogy research? Having genealogy brickwalls on finding your ancestors? Join us on Thursday afternoons form 1 to 5 pm with our genealogy experts. Email us at [email protected] with your request, preferred time slots, and details of your brickwall.

Please Register for this class, Below!


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