Class: Introduction to Genealogy

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Class Date: Saturday, April 1, 9:30 am to Noon

Nichelle Barra Professional Genealogist

New to genealogy? Genealogy instructor Nichelle Barra (pictured above) will present a FREE three hour class for new and intermediate genealogists wanting to learn how to do research, types of records, where records are located, Internet websites, recording your data, different types of genealogy software, local genealogy sources, various local societies to consider, and info on Larimer County Genealogical Society.

Handouts are available, but the 28-page slide presentation will be emailed to registered attendees one day before the class.

As a history and English major in college, Nichelle works for as a professional genealogist and researcher. She is well versed in research standards as she has applied it to her own family research since 2003. Nichelle completed the National Genealogical Society Home Study Course (Nov 2014) as well as the Boston University Certificate in Genealogical Research (Aug 2014). She is also a graduate of ProGen Study Group 25 (August 2016) and plan to continue my education as much as possible and look forward to taking part in institutes in the future. She specializes in Mid-Western research, land records, New England research, and house histories.

Everyone interested in genealogy or family history is welcome to attend our free classes!

Need genealogy help during the week? We offer genealogy assistance on Thursday afternoons from 1 to 3 pm at the Fort Collins Downtown Library or Loveland Library.

Questions? Contact: Bob Larson at [email protected]/p>

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Please Register below for the class to receive the handout on Friday night before the class!!


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