DNA Study Group:

6:00-7:00              Open one-on-one help/Q&A

7:00-8:00              Presentation:  “Adding DNA to your Genealogy Research Tool Kit

For the January DNA Study I am planning on a “Back to Basics” presentation.  This may be an opportunity for people that have tested in the last year or are considering testing to review the basics and how to use their results.  It may be good to encourage people that are interested in how to use DNA testing in their research, but are concerned that our group has been too advanced for them to attend.

Genetic Genealogy Beyond the Hype;  This presentation will review the basics of genetic genealogy and then discuss how autosomal DNA testing can be used to advance family research.  This presentation will focus on autosomal DNA testing which if offered by all five major testing companies.  We will discuss the basics of the testing, how DNA is inherited, and how to select the best people for target testing.  We will also discuss how to analyze your matches and how to contact matches

8:00-8:30              Q&A and room cleanup