Program: Our Society’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

Our society will be meeting in person or on Zoom at 10 am on the third Saturday in the Prairie Sage One Room at the Fort Collins Senior Center for our monthly programs. We hold a hybrid meeting in person and using our Zoom video service. Capacity is 50 persons in the Prairie Sage One room. Lots of free parking at the senior center. We look forward to seeing you there!

Visitors (not LCGS members) who wish to attend via Zoom need to register below to receive the Zoom info and handout.

President Larry Doyle provides a brief overview of our society with the latest committee reports followed by today’s program.

Be sure to see our March/April & May/June 2024 newsletters for the history of our society from 1974 to current times!

Your 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee

President Larry Doyle

Vice President Bruce Harshberger

Past President’s & Silent Auction Coordinator Kathy Patrick

Video Coordinator Bob Larson

DNA Leader Glenn York

Director & Cookbook Coordinator Sherrie Franell


Program Information
Our May 18th program will be on “Our Society’s 50th Anniversary Celebration” starting with a 20 minute video of our Society’s highights from 1974 to 2004 followed by an introduction by President Larry Doyle and featuring brief presentations by nine of our past presidents either in-person or on Zoom. We will be offering our 50th Anniversary Cookbook to members for a donation of $20 each, silent auction items, and finally offering our anniversary cake! Be sure to register below so we know how much food to bring! See you there!

Past Presidents Tribute
All the Attending Past Presidents and their years as President as follows:

Kathy Williamson (1978-1980)

Lottie Vandergaw (1980-1982)

Kevin E. Mielbeck (1995-1998)

Ceil Damshroder (1998-2002)

Dr. Ken Goldsberry (2005-2008)

Bob Larson (2009-2012)


Stacey Rehbein (2013-2016)

Gary Davis (2017-2018)

Glenn York (2019-2022)


Fort Collins Senior Center Map

Map for Fort Collins Senior Center

Reminder: Visitors are welcome and can register below to receive the Zoom info and handout!


Be sure to use our Thursday afternoon (except holiday weeks) genealogy help session from 1 to 3 pm at the Fort Collins Downtown Library. Members or visitors: please send an email to [email protected] with your request, and if for an ancestor, please send your family tree info from Ancestry, MyHeritage or a family tree image from your genealogy software.

For more genealogy tips: please visit and ‘Like’ us on our Facebook page .

Thank you for visiting our website!


Registration is closed for this event.