Program: Using Irish Naming Convention

Our society will be meeting in person or on Zoom at 10 am on June 15 in the Prairie Sage One Room at the Fort Collins Senior Center for our monthly programs. We hold a hybrid meeting in person and using our Zoom video service. Capacity is 50 persons in the Prairie Sage One room. Lots of free parking at the senior center. We look forward to seeing you there!

Visitors (not LCGS members) who wish to attend via Zoom need to register below to receive the Zoom info and handout.

Visitors (not LCGS members) need to register below to receive the Zoom info and handout.

President Larry Doyle provides a brief overview of our society with the latest committee reports followed by today’s program.

Program Information
Our June 15th Topic:  Using Irish Naming Convention to Discover the Family of Thomas Delaney in the Mid-to-late 1800’s in Ireland.

Program Description:

Description:  Thomas Delaney was the father of Catherine “Kate: Delaney who married Henry Burge on 5 November 1878 in Dublin, Ireland.  Catherine was born about 1860-62 in Queen’s County (present day County Laois) in Ireland and died 24 March 1909 in Dublin.  To learn more about Thomas, evidence was gathered from researching the life and family of his daughter, Kate and her husband Henry.  This evidence identified a specific geographical location to focus the search for records for Thomas.  This case study shows how Irish naming convention can be used as a powerful tool to analyze and predict family names and aid in the  search for family units in Irish records in the mid to late 1800s.

Presenter Profile:

Susan McKee, M.A., is a genealogist, specializing in Irish family research.  Born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, Susan developed her love of family history growing up enthralled by the stories her mother told.  She is now a U.S. citizen, and longtime resident of Seattle, Washington, where she lives with her Irish husband and their four American-born children.  She is a member of the Seattle Genealogical Society, where she facilitates the monthly Irish Special Interest Group.

Susan McKee

Fort Collins Senior Center Map

Map for Fort Collins Senior Center

Reminder: Visitors are welcome and can register below to receive the Zoom info and handout!

Be sure to use our Thursday afternoon (except holiday weeks) genealogy help session from 1 to 3 pm at the Fort Collins Downtown Library. Members or visitors: please send an email to [email protected] with your request, and if for an ancestor, please send your family tree info from Ancestry, MyHeritage or a family tree image from your genealogy software.

For more genealogy tips: please visit and ‘Like’ us on our Facebook page .

Thank you for visiting our website!


Registration is closed for this event.